DrayTek 2927 | ProVu Communications

DrayTek Vigor 2927


The DrayTek Vigor 2927 is a gigabit-dual WAN load balancing router for handling fast internet connections. With extensive LAN management features, the DrayTek Vigor 2927 gives users total control over their router. Controlling multiple aspects of the device including Firewall and content filtering for internet access management.

With up to 50 active VPN tunnels to provide secure connections for remote workers, the Vigor 2927 is perfect for small businesses and home offices. Connecting up to 5 gigabit LAN ports with VLANs for ensuring quality of service.

Available in three variants, the Draytek Vigor 2927 can be purchased with either an integrated 4G/LTE modem for uninterrupted connectivity featured on the ‘L’ models, or a dual-SIM failover featured on the ‘ac’ models which can be used as back up in case of primary connection failure.

Automatic Provisioning Icon Did you know we can ship this item direct to your customer ready to work automatically out-of-the-box? Using our TR-069 provisioning platform, we can pre-provision generic and customer specific settings to your routers prior to despatch. View more information about our router provisioning service.